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美国阿拉巴马州杰克逊维尔州立大学 洪士凯助理教授:Households’ Perceptions and Behavior Expectations in Response to Seismic Hazard in Sichuan, China

发布日期:2018年05月04日 13:42

主  题:Households’ Perceptions and Behavior Expectations in Response to Seismic Hazard in Sichuan, China

主讲人:美国阿拉巴马州杰克逊维尔州立大学应急管理学系 洪士凯 助理教授

主持人:西南财经大学发展研究院 余津嫺 副教授

时  间:2018年5月8日(周二)10:00-12:00

地  点:西南财经大学柳林校区通博楼108



在攻读博士期间,洪博士师从美国著名应急管理学者Dr. Michael Lindell,并在德州农工大学灾害防治及重建研究中心担任研究助理,参与三项由美国国家科学基金会及一项由美国陆军工兵总署所支持的研究项目,其研究重点包括了飓风疏散之风险沟通与策略、地震及海啸期间民众之风险认知、及时应变及自我保护、供水系统污染之应急管理与规划等。近期,他获得两项由美国国家科学基金会支持的项目,并将其研究专注于龙卷风警报发布与风险沟通方式之改善以及地震灾害应急管理的跨国比较研究。洪博士擅长使用社会心理学的各项研究方法进行民众认知及行为学方面的研究,其研究不局限于现场调研、实验设计或统合研究,在过去六年内,洪博士已获得两次校际最优秀研究人员的奖励,其研究成果则已被发表于超过20篇以上之著名科学期刊(如Risk Analysis,Environment and Behavior)論文及专章中,尤其以飓风疏散相关研究获得大量的关注及引用。

此外,洪博士于2017年获得国际社会学協会推荐,担任由美国应急管理学之父Dr. Enrico Quarantelli 于1983年所创立全美第一份应急管理学相关期刊International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters第12任期刊编辑,该份由国际社会学协会辖下国际灾害研究委员会所出版的期刊至今仍是全美应急管理学研究在社会学及行为学层面上的最重要的刊物之一。

内容提要:The 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake caused catastrophic damage and many casualties in Sichuan, China. Since then, the authorities and community organizations have made significant efforts helping households prepare for the next earthquake. Ten years later, research is required to examine households’ beliefs about how to respond during earthquakes. Accordingly, this study surveyed 638 households to examine six indoor seismic hazard response actions and four outdoor response actions with preparedness efforts, risk perceptions, and information reliance to a hypothetical earthquake. The results indicates that respondents can differentiate indoor and outdoor response actions. Specifically, if respondents are inside a building when an earthquake strikes, they would be very likely to evacuate outside or stand near the exit (M=4.50), followed by helping behaviors (M=3.74), on-site protective actions (M=2.49), and property protection (M=2.21); they would be unlikely to freeze in place or ignore the threat (M=1.76). Similarly, if respondents are walking in the street during an earthquake, they would be more likely to move to open space (M=4.69), followed by helping behaviors (M=3.54), freezing in place (M=2.48), and property protection (M=2.31), and be unlikely to ignore the threat (M=1.94). The results also indicated that female respondents with previous earthquake experience and higher risk perceptions would be more likely to take on-site protective actions, whereas males with higher risk perceptions would be more likely to leave the buildings immediately. Unsurprisingly, respondents having previous experience in other disasters, but with lower risk perceptions are less likely to react to an earthquake. Furthermore, younger respondents with better socioeconomic status would tend to help others during an earthquake.

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