主题:Growth in a Patrilocal Economy: Female Schooling, Household Savings, and the One-Child Policy
主持人:发展研究院 李丁副教授
地点:西南财经大学柳林校区 格致楼919会议室
主办单位:发展研究院 经济学院 科研处
陈为政,现任台湾中正大学经济学系助理教授。专长领域为宏观经济理论、发展经济学、教育经济学等。已发表重要著作于Games and Economic Behavior、Economics Letters等重要学术期刊。
We develop a model of parental education decision to analyze how a population control policy affects the households’ decisions on saving and schooling in a patrilocal society in which sons are responsible to support aged parents more than daughters. Parents’ investment in education depends on the degree of parental altruism and also on the need for old-age security in the form of children’s financial transfers. A tightened population control policy makes parental altruism more important than the security motive and thereby shortens gender gap in education. Our model can explain the fact that under a series of population control policies China experiences a rapid growth of female education attainment. Meanwhile, our model does not fully reflect the observed increase in the household saving rate in the context of demographic transition and this is mainly due to dissaving from the expanding aging population.