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发布日期:2021年07月15日 12:27

我院李丁、余津嫺等的论文:Willingness to pay for environmental protection in China: Air pollution, perception, and government involvement在《中国人口资源环境(英文版)》正式刊发

摘要:The deteriorating environment has become an urgent global problem. As developing country, China is no exception. Demand for clean air is increasing in response to health and social problems. We use China's micro household survey data to explore individual residents' willingness to pay for environmental protection (WTP). Results show that air pollution improves WTP. A 100 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 leads to approximately 84.1% WTP on a given day, but local residents are habituated to local pollution. We further study air pollution affects individual perceptions. We discuss the belief that local governments take pollution seriously can promote WTP. In addition, respondents who own smartphones, demonstrate environmental awareness, are happier, and enjoy higher household assets and income are willing to pay more.

文章来源:Yan Zhang, Chin-Hsien Yu, Ding Li*, Huifang Zhang: Willingness to pay for environmental protection in China: Air pollution, perception, and government involvement, Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment(2019)Available online 9 June 2021, ISSN 2325-4262, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjpre.2019.10.003.

*Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment为中文期刊中资源环境类排名第一的《中国人口资源环境》期刊的英文版季刊,每年刊文不超过120篇。2004年被SCI检索收录,影响因子2.7。


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