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余津嫺等: Local Residents’ Attitudes toward Shale Gas Exploitation: A Case Study in Sichuan, China

发布日期:2020年10月15日 13:56

Abstract: This study investigates local residents’ attitudes toward shale gas exploitation in China through interviews of 730 residents of Sichuan Province and explores determinants of their support or opposition. It is the first study in China to explore local residents’ attitudes on this subject and we identify underlying factors contributing to such attitudes, including energy poverty, environmental awareness, and risk and benefit perceptions. The results show that the respondents are generally supportive of shale gas development. Fewer than 20% of them report opposing such development. The respondents’ supportive attitudes are significantly associated with their positive benefit perceptions, trust in public entities, perspectives on impacts and risks of shale gas exploitation, and knowledge of shale gas technology, while oppositional attitudes are significantly associated with risk perception, energy poverty, and environmental awareness.

FromYu, C.H.,  H. Tan,  P. Qin,  X. Chen* (2020).  Local Residents’ Attitudes toward Shale Gas Exploitation: A Case Study in Sichuan, China.  Society & Natural Resources, 33(9): 1092-1110.  https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2020.1716425.

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