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我院余津嫺等的论文:Demand for green finance: Resolving financing constraints on green innovation in China 在《能源政策》(Energy Policy)发表。

发布日期:2021年10月14日 16:25

我院余津嫺等的论文:Demand for green finance: Resolving financing constraints on green innovation in China 《能源政策》(Energy Policy)发表

我院余津嫺副教授与其博士研究生吴秀琴、经济与管理研究院张大永教授、法学院陈实副教授、经济学院赵劲松副教授合作,于国际知名期刊《能源政策》(Energy Policy)发表论文《Demand for green finance: Resolving financing constraints on green innovation in China》。该文使用中国上市企业数据,考察了融资约束对企业绿色创新的抑制作用,同时讨论了绿色金融政策对该抑制作用的缓解效应。研究发现绿色金融政策虽然刺激了绿色创新,并降低了国营企业融资约束对绿色创新的抑制作用,但尚未有效地在不同类型的企业间分配金融资源,这在一定程度上又限制了绿色创新。因此,该文认为如何设计与实施绿色金融政策,将信贷资金分配给高绿色创新能力的民营企业仍是未来研究的重点。尽管绿色金融在政府的推动下取得快速发展,但绿色金融能否通过缓解企业融资约束进而促进绿色创新,目前的研究尚不清楚,因此,该文的主要贡献可以总结为以下几点:首先,该文的研究结果证实了融资约束对中国企业的绿色创新具有显著负面影响。其次,通过企业融资约束角度考察绿色金融政策对企业绿色创新的影响,为当前研究提供了新的视角,对民营企业与国营企业的异质性分析也提供了一些政策启示。第三,与现有研究不同,除使用绿色专利数量代理创新产出外,该文还使用了专利度对企业创新能力进行综合衡量。


This paper investigates the effects of financing constraints on prompting green innovations using a sample of Chinese listed firms in the period 2001–2017. Also, we explore how green finance policies resolve financing constraints of firms to green innovation. The capability of green innovation is found to be impaired when firms face higher financing constraints, and privately owned enterprises tend to be more vulnerable than state-owned ones in this regard. Although green finance policies can effectively ease financing restraints on green innovation overall, green credits are less likely to be available to privately owned enterprises. However, these enterprises which are deeply affected by financing constraints have relatively high innovation capabilities. We suggest the government to provide more supports to privately owned enterprises for investing in green projects. Further, both financial institutions and privately owned enterprises should be required to disclose more information on green credits and green projects, respectively. In addition, the China Banking Regulatory Commission should design a synthetic mechanism for evaluating green performance.

余津嫺博士是西南财经大学发展研究院的副教授、博士生导师,主要研究方向为气候变迁、自然资源与环境、能源、农业经济与自然灾害等跨学科交叉领域研究。余津嫺博士的研究成果主要发表于《Energy Economics》、《Energy Policy》、《Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews》、《International Review of Economics and Finance》、《Society & Natural Resources》、《Safety Science》、《Natural Hazards》等国际知名学术刊物上,担任多篇国际期刊论文审稿人。

文章来源: Yu, C.H., X. Wu, D. Zhang, S. Chen, J. Zhao* (2021). Demand for Green Finance: Resolving Financing Constraints on Green Innovation in China. Energy Policy, 153, 112255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112255.

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