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基本信息:副教授 金融学博士




基本信息 副教授 金融学博士 办公地点 格致楼1105
联系方式 leechichuan@swufe.edu.cn 研究领域 绿色发展与宏观经济、金融市场与金融机构等跨学科交叉领域研究



李起铨,台湾政治大学金融学博士,四川省天府峨眉计划特聘专家,西南财经大学光华百人计划人选,主要研究方向为绿色发展与宏观经济和金融市场与金融机构等跨学科交叉领域研究,目前已在《Energy Economics》、《Energy》、《Technological and Economic Development of Economy》、《Journal of International Money and Finance》、《Journal of Financial Stability》、《Journal of Futures Markets》等SSCI期刊发表论文30余篇,担任多篇国际SSCI期刊论文审稿人。


1. Huang, B.N., Lee, C.C., Chang, Y.F. and C.C. Lee* (2021), “Dynamic linkage between oil prices and exchange rates: New global evidence,” Empirical Economics, 61, 719-742.

2. Lee, C.C., Li, X., Yu, C.H. and J. Zhao* (2021), “Does Fintech Innovation Improve Bank Efficiency? Evidence from China’s Banking Industry,” International Review of Economics and Finance, 74, 468-483.

3. Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* and Y.Y. Li (2021), “Oil price shocks, geopolitical risks, and green bond market dynamics,” North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 55, 101309.

4. Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* and S. Xiao (2021), “Policy-related risk and corporate financing behavior: Evidence from China’s listed companies,” Economic Modelling, 94, 539-547.

5. Lee, C.C., Ranjbar, O. and C.C. Lee* (2021), “Testing the persistence of shocks to the renewable energy consumption: Evidence from a quantile unit-root test with smooth breaks,” Energy, 215, 119190.

6. Lee, C.C., Ranjbar, O. and C.C. Lee* (2021), “Analyzing the hysteresis properties and growth stability of renewable energy production of the U.S.,” Applied Economics, 53:24, 2752-2770.

7. Peng, W., Lee, C.C.* and K. Xiong (2021), “What determines the subsidy decision bias of local governments? An enterprise heterogeneity perspective,” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57:4, 1215-1231.

8. Lee, C.C. and C.C. Lee* (2020), “Insurance activity, real output and geopolitical risk: Fresh evidence from the BRICS,” Economic Modelling, 92, 207-215.

9. Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* and D. Lien (2020), “Income inequality, globalization, and country risk: A cross-country analysis,” Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 26:2, 379-404.

10. Gupta, R., Lahiani, A., Lee, C.C. and C.C. Lee* (2019), “Asymmetric dynamics of insurance premium: The impacts of output and economic policy uncertainty,” Empirical Economics, 57:6, 1959-1978.

11. Hatemi-J, A., Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* and G. Rangan (2019), “Insurance activity and economic performance: Fresh evidence from asymmetric panel causality tests,” International Finance, 22:2, 221-240. (Top Cited Article 2019-2020 in International Finance)

12. Lee, C.C.* and T.H. Huang (2019), “What causes the efficiency and the technology gap under different ownership structures in the Chinese banking industry?” Contemporary Economic Policy, 37:2, 332-348.

13. Lee, C.C, Lee, C.C. and D. Lien* (2019), “Do country risk and financial uncertainty matter for energy commodity futures?” Journal of Futures Markets, 39:3, 366-383. (Top Cited Article 2019-2020 in Journal of Futures Markets)

14. Lee, C.C. and C.C. Lee* (2019), “Oil price shocks and Chinese banking performance: Do country risks matter?” Energy Economics, 77, 46-53. (ESI高被引论文)

15. Lee, C.C. and C.C. Lee* (2018), “The impact of country risk on income inequality:  A multilevel analysis,” Social Indicators Research, 136:1, 139-162.

16. Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* and Y.Y. Chiou (2017), “Insurance activities, globalization, and economic growth: New methods, new evidence,” Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 51, 155-170.

17. Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* and S.L. Ning (2017), “Dynamic relationship of oil price shocks and country risks,” Energy Economics, 66, 571-581.

18. Lee, C.C.*, Lee, C.C., Zeng, J.H. and Y.L. Hsu (2017), “Peer bank behavior, economic policy uncertainty, and leverage decision of financial institutions,” Journal of Financial Stability, 30, 79-91.

19. Lee, C.C.* and T.H. Huang (2017), “Cost efficiency and technological gap in Western European Banks: A stochastic metafrontier analysis,” International Review of Economics and Finance, 48, 161-178.

20. Lee, C.C., Chang, C.H., Arouri, M. and C.C. Lee* (2016), “Economic growth and insurance development: The role of institutional environments,” Economic Modelling, 59, 361-369.

21. Liu, G.C., Lee, C.C.* and C.C. Lee (2016), “The nexus between insurance activity and economic growth: A bootstrap rolling window approach,” International Review of Economics & Finance, 43, 299-319.

22. Lee, C.C.* and T.H. Huang (2016), “Productivity changes in pre-crisis Western European banks: Does scale effect really matter?” North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 36, 29-48.

23. Chen, P.F., Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* and J.X. Huang (2016), “A dynamic analysis of exchange rate exposure: The impact of China's renminbi,” The World Economy, 39:1, 132-157.

24. Lee, C.C., Ning, S.L. and C.C. Lee* (2015), “How does bank capital affect bank profitability and risk? Evidence from China's WTO accession,” China & World Economy, 23:4, 19-39.

25. Lee, C.C., Lee, C.F. and C.C. Lee* (2014), “Asymmetric dynamics in REIT prices: Further evidence based on quantile regression analysis,” Economic Modelling, 42, 29-37.

26. Lee, C.C., Lee, C.C.* and Y.Y. Chiu (2013), “The link between life insurance activities and economic growth: Some new evidence,” Journal of International Money and Finance, 32:1, 405-427.

27. Shen, C.H., Lee, C.C.* and C.C. Lee (2010), “What makes international capital flows promote economic growth? An international cross-country analysis,” Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 57:5, 515-546.

28. Lee, C.C.*, Hsu, Y.C. and C.C. Lee (2010), “An empirical analysis of non-life insurance consumption stationarity,” The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice, 35:2, 266-289.

29. Hsu, Y.C., Lee, C.C.* and C.C. Lee (2008), “Revisited: Are shocks to energy consumption permanent or temporary? New evidence from a panel SURADF approach,” Energy Economics, 30:5, 2314-2330.


1. 2021/01-2021/12,中央高校基本科研业务费年度培育项目“金融改革与银行发展——基于银行异质性视角的成本效率分析”,课题批准号:JBK2102019课题负责人,研究状态:在研。

2. 2020/01-2020/12,中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师成长项目项目“基于创新驱动与金融支持的经济增长效应研究”,课题批准号:JBK2001070课题负责人,研究状态:结项。

3. 2018/06-2018/11,广东省财政厅财政科研自主参与课题“广东省地方财政宏观调控与收入不平等关系研究”,课题批准号:Z2018147课题负责人,研究状态:结项。

4. 2016/01-2017/12,广东省重大研究项目青年创新人才类“企业动态能力的测量与绩效管理研究─基于中国银行业的实证分析”,课题批准号:2015WQNCX167课题负责人,研究状态:结项。(优秀课题)

5. 2016/06-2017/03,广东省财政厅财政科研自主参与课题“广东省地方财政宏观调控与经济稳定增长关系研究”,课题批准号:Z201620课题负责人,研究状态:结项。

6. 2015/10-2016/10,珠海市哲学社会科学“十二五”规划课题“珠海市财政收支与经济增长互动关系的实证研究”,课题批准号:2015YB011课题负责人,研究状态:结项。


2021.04 四川省天府峨眉计划青年人才

2019.07 西南财经大学光华百人计划入选者

2018.06 北京师范大学珠海分校第一届优秀青年教师奖

2017.10 广东省财政科学研究所科研成果三等奖

2017.06 Outstanding Reviewer Award, Economic Modelling

2017.06 第十四届“挑战杯”广东大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖(指导教师)

2017.06 北京师范大学珠海分校校级教学成果奖(第一参与人)

2017.06 北京师范大学珠海分校优秀毕业论文指导教师

2016.06 北京师范大学珠海分校优秀班主任

2015.05 北京师范大学珠海分校青年教师教学基本功大赛优秀奖


担任《Asian Economics Letters》领域编辑、《Journal of Risk and Financial Management》客座编辑、波兰国家自然科学基金评审专家,以及Energy Economic》、《Energy》、《Resources Policy》、《Telecommunications Policy》、《Technological and Economic Development of Economy》、《Economic Modelling》、《Economic Analysis and Policy》、《Journal of Empirical Finance》、《Pacific-Basin Finance Journal》、《Financial Innovation》、《Accounting and Finance》、《European Journal of Finance》、《Venture Capital》、《International Review of Financial Analysis》、《International Review of Economics and Finance》、《Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money》、《Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance》、《North American Journal of Economics and Finance》、《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》等国际期刊论文审稿人



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