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台湾开南大学 张民忠教授:The effects of the feed-in-tariff system and the renewable energy development fund on Taiwan’s power market

发布日期:2018年11月05日 14:17

主题:The effects of the feed-in-tariff system and the renewable energy development fund on Taiwan’s power market

主讲人:台湾开南大学  张民忠教授

主持人:发展研究院  杨宗谕副教授


地点:西南财经大学柳林校区经世楼 C308教室

主办单位:发展研究院  科研处


张民忠,台湾东吴大学经济学博士现任台湾开南大学行销学系教授,台湾环境与资源经济学会期刊《绿色经济》执行编辑2015年担任台湾环境与资源经济学会副秘书长已发表中英论文50余篇重要著作发表于Energy Efficiency, Energy Policy, Agricultural and Resources Economics, and Polish Journal of Environmental Studies等国际顶尖期刊。


The feed-in-tariff (FIT) price system and renewable power development fund are two policy tools to help Taiwan’s green power development. As such, this study investigates the effects of these two policies on Taiwan’s power market and concludes that the social planner should adopt a research and development (R&D) investment subsidy and not adopt the FIT price system in the long term, which would decrease Taiwan’s long-term power price. Consumer surplus and social welfare will improve in the long term, but the profit of the power industry will fall.

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