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美国德州农工大学 Bruce A. McCarl 教授:Decision Making and Policy for Agriculture in a World with a Changing Climate

发布日期:2016年10月24日 00:00



主 题:Decision Making and Policy for Agriculture in a World with a Changing Climate

主讲人:美国德州农工大学 Bruce A. McCarl教授

主持人:西南财经大学发展研究院 余津嫺 副教授

时 间:2016年10月27日(周四)14:00-15:30

地 点:格致楼918学术报告厅



Dr. McCarl现为德州农工大学农业经济学系教授,主要研究领域为气候变化、水资源、气候与环境资源政策、与数学规划模型。Dr. McCarl投身学术与政策研究近50年获奖无数,於2007年以联合国政府间气候变迁专门委员会 (IPCC) 成员身份获颁诺贝尔和平奖,在教学和研究的卓越贡献更获得了德州农工大学颁发特聘教授 (Distinguished Professor) 与讲座教授 (Regents Professor) 的荣誉。


Climate change is occurring. Deviations from historic temperatures and precipitation plus increased frequency of extreme events are modifying agriculture systems globally. Adapting agricultural management practices offers a way to lessen the effects or exploit opportunities. Herein many aspects of the adaptation issue are discussed including: needs, strategies, observed actions, benefits, economic analysis approaches, role of public private actors, limits, and project evaluation. Comments are given on the benefits and shortcomings of analytical methods and suggested economic efforts. Economists clearly need to play a role in such diverse matters as projecting adaptation needs, designing adaptation incentives and evaluating projects to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

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