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光华讲坛:Wage stagnation and structure transformation

发布日期:2020年01月08日 13:22

主题:Wage stagnation and structure transformation(工资停滞与结构转型)

主讲人:台湾“中央研究院”人文社会科学研究中心 陈为政助理研究员

主持人:发展研究院 李丁副教授


地点:西南财经大学柳林校区 格致楼1102会议室

主办单位:发展研究院 经济学院 科研处


陈为政,台湾“中央研究院”人文社会科学研究中心助理研究员。专长领域为宏观经济理论、发展经济学、教育经济学等。已发表重要著作于Games and Economic Behavior、Economics Letters等重要学术期刊。


In Taiwan, average wages in manufacturing and service sector have been stagnant since 2002. Most of negative labor demand-side shocks occurred in the manufacturing sector, while wage stagnation in the service sector is more severe than in the manufacturing. In order to explain this phenomenon, the research characterizes heterogeneous labor’s occupation choices by the Roy model and general equilibrium model. The study particularly classifies labor into four types by their gender and education level to describe their occupation choice problems by their comparative advantages. Finally, the study uses the calibrated model to analyze the impacts of three exogenous shocks on equilibrium: manufacturers’ shifts, deterioration in terms of trade, and increase in the number of highly educated workers. The net effect of three exogenous shocks indicates that labor mainly move to the service sector, resulting in that average wages in the service sector drop more than in the manufacturing. Therefore, the model in this paper provides a possible explanation for that wages in the service sector are more stagnant, which is rarely explained by empirical studies.


地址:四川成都温江柳台大道555号格致楼 邮编:611130(柳林校区)电话:028-87092562

四川成都光华村街55号 邮编:610074(光华校区)

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