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李丁等:What Influences an Individual’s Pro-Environmental Behavior? A Literature Review.

发布日期:2019年04月01日 10:24


This review paper discusses determinants of pro-environmental behavior on Resources Conservation and Recycling from 1987 to 2017. The main factors which influence pro-environmental behavior include both external and internal factors—specifically, demographic variables and psychological factors. The main purpose of this work is to review the literature (i.e., published studies) regarding the impact, relations, and mutual effects on pro-environmental behavior of each group of factors. Identifying the determinants of pro-environmental behavior is helpful when formulating the most appropriate and effective policies for improving the public’s behavior toward protecting the natural environment.


Ding Li, Luman Zhao, Shuang Ma*, Shuai Shao, Lixiao Zhang. What Influences an Individual’s Pro-Environmental Behavior? A Literature Review. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 28–34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.03.024(SCI)

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